#1 Best Local SEO Services for Small Business by SeoDepot.ca

SeoDepot.ca is the best local SEO services for small business.

Local SEO strategy to increase traffic to your website by improving your Google search ranking.

Our SEO Services

Custom SEO Solutions For Your Business to Make A Mark



We create a customized search engine optimization strategy founded on an in-depth website audit, thorough keyword research, and competitor analysis. Our SEO company  ensures your website is ranking for keywords that maximize your ROI.



Among the SEO services we offer is link building. Using our connections with high-quality and relevant websites, we implement a sound backlinking strategy that effectively and sustainably improves your search engine ranking.



SeoDepot.ca produces content both humans and search engines love. Get high-quality content from our seasoned content writers. From blog posts to conversion-focused web pages, we have the skills and techniques to deliver.



Enhancing your site visibility and traffic starts with on-page optimization. Our SEO specialists ensure your website’s optimum performance by taking care of essentials from image optimization to internal content linking, title tags, and meta descriptions.



Rise above your local competition. Whether you’re a single location serving a local community or multiple locations across the province, state or country. We help you rank first in local search results with proven SEO strategies, advanced techniques, and white hat SEO practices to effectively boost your visibility and revenue.



Our search engine optimization services include identifying and repairing technical issues that prevent your search from ranking. We conduct an in-depth analysis of your website’s search engine friendliness and ensure it is fully optimized for maximum performance.

ecommerce seo


Don’t get lost in the crowd. SeoDepot.ca’s SEO experts ensure your potential customers find you at the optimal time. From technical audits to keyword research and content optimization, our eCommerce specialists use advanced techniques and tools to turn your browsers into buyers.



Drive customers to the right storefront location. Our SEO experts create effective custom search engine optimization strategies for multi-location franchises. We rank your business for competitive keywords so it comes up first in location-based searches.



Our Amazon marketing experts help you stand out in a crowded, highly competitive marketplace. We apply strategic Amazon listing optimization, pricing strategies, and SEO to successfully raise your rankings and conversions.

Local SEO Company Providing

Local Search Engine Optimization Services

Local SEO - Google My Business Certification
local seo
local seo
Google Ads Management Services

Local Search SEO since 2005, we’ve been a paid search marketing agency focused on Google Ads management – increasing paid search conversions. We use our Google Ads experience to apply proven ad management strategies, boosting conversions and decreasing the cost per conversion.

We are a Google Certified in Google Ads, display, and Google shopping.
– Detailed monthly reporting
– Services and eCommerce Google Ads strategies focused on leads & sales

Google My Business Services
Did you know GMB (Google My Business) engagement signals— including Google’s Q&A and customer reviews — directly influencing your online local rankings, reputation and overall sales? Your local rankings will skyrocket with the right strategy!

– Hassle-Free Google My Business Profile Setup & Management
– Increase your phone calls, appointment bookings, and website visits

Google SEO Services

If you’re business in not ranking on the first page of Google, you’re probably searching for a company that provides the best in Google SEO services. Google accounts for 78% of desktop and 89% of mobile search traffic. By hiring a Google SEO expert we position your website at the top of Google search engine result pages (SERPS) for maximum visibility, traffic and sales.

– We specialize in Google Focused SEO Services
– We are Google SEO Experts in Google SEO Services & Google Certified

Best Local SEO Company For Small Business

Our Local SEO Solutions Services helps small businesses get visibility on search engines for local searches related to their products and services. On Google’s search engine result pages (SERPS), local SEO is most recognized through Google Local, Google Maps, and traditional Google Search results.

– 93% of consumers use online searches to find a local business.
– Local and organic searches together make up 69% of overall digital traffic.
– 42% of local searches involve clicks on the Google Map Pack.

Voice Search SEO Services – Voice search is the next big thing!

Voice search optimization services for voice assistants like Google, Alexa and Siri are becoming increasingly popular. Besides voice assistants found on cellphones, more and more households have integrated them into their daily lives. With voice search technology users can get answers to questions in seconds. Every line of business must now start to adapt the increasing demand in voice searches.

– Over 40% of adults use voice search at least once per day.
– Voice search is expected to reach $40 billion by 2022
– Investing in voice search optimization positions your company for success.

Why and How to proceed in Local SEO


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SEO Depot Solutions offers your business a FREE analysis and custom SEO plan


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Unpack and discover our SEO suggestions. Let’s process this together!


Choose SEO Strategy

After exploring our SEO suggestions choose the SEO service(s) that best meets your budget and needs.


Your SEO Work begins!

We begin developing and implementing your businesses SEO!
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Professional Local Search SEO Services

Google My Business (or GMB) is a free business listing platform developed by Google which helps local business owners gain visibility in search results which includes the knowledge panel, local pack, and maps.

Google My Business continues to be the biggest driver of local Google SEO success, with reviews coming in second place. You can manage your business listing by adding NAP details, opening hours, photos etcetera.

GMB or Google My Business is essentially the most critical part of your local Google SEO strategy. This tool from Google allows you to create free business listings. And according to Moz, it’s one of the top factors that Google considers when ranking businesses in organic local search and snack pack results.

Local SEO Experience

Local SEO Search Facts Speak Best

of small-to-midsized businesses
have a Google Ads campaign
of online ads increase
brand awareness
of all desktop searches
happen on Google
of the search engine market belongs to Google
0 years
of SEO experience
Canada, USA & Europe
SEO Digital Agency Solutions provider since 2000

Looking for the best local seo companies and local search seo specialists? We deliver revenue-generating digital marketing solutions. Digital Marketing Strategies that deliver results, revenue, create jobs, and grow businesses.

Benefits of Local SEO

How to Get More Local Traffic

Increase Your Traffic and Revenue
SeoDepot.ca is one of best SEO services agency for small to medium size businesses. With our search engine optimization services, you get world-class SEO technology, custom strategy and an elite SEO team.

We focus on boosting your revenue, and we provide all of the Local SEO Services and technology your business needs to grow with SEO.

What are Local SEO Services?

Local Search SEO is the method of optimizing your website and content for a specific local area. If you have a local business, like a restaurant, agency, you will want your website pages to rank for certain search queries performed by a local audience whom is searching for a local product or service near them on the internet. Find out more about our Local Google SEO services

What are Local SEO Services for Small to medium sized businesses?

Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Services for Small Business helps get visibility on search engines for local searches related to their products and services. On Google’s search engine result pages, local SEO is most recognized through Google Local, Google Maps, and the traditional Organic Google Search results.

What are the Benefits of Local SEO Services?

Most obvious reason why small business need Local Search Engine Optimization:

  • Increases your website’s rankings in the classic search results and in the local map pack.
  • Increases your online visibility, especially to neighboring customers.
  • Receive the highest conversion levels of all local advertising channels.

What are Local SEO Marketing Services?

SEO is an essential marketing technique that focuses on bringing organic, non-paid traffic to your site by utilizing high quality content to get to the top of a search engine results pages (SERPS).

This can include:

  • Blogs
  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • Newsletters
  • Ebooks
  • Downloadable PDFs
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts

Can you tell me the Local SEO Services Pricing?

The average Local SEO Cost depends on the clients needs. For a one-time project focused on analysis, research, clean-up, and optimization the average price for a Local SEO project would range from $300 – $1500 USD with an average price around $750 USD.

‘People Also Ask’

What matters for Local SEO?

  • Google’s local map pack is displayed within the traditional Google organic search listings results. Google has separate algorithms that power the main Google search results for local rankings and the local map pack results. For all local businesses, they need to have the opportunity to display within both the main organic search results pages and the local map pack at the same time.
  • Localized content and local link popularity are factors, just as it is in Google’s standard search algorithm, so it’s important to build local landing pages for each of your business locations. This is especially important if you’re a business with multiple location, where you should include (NAP), your business name, address and phone as well as optimize their titles tags, meta descriptions, and follow best SEO practice. This SEO strategy should be taken into consideration for your content marketing and link building strategy.
  • Additionally, what also matters in your local seo rankings are location-based factors like having a business listing in Google My Business, local citations from data aggregators, and review signals that are published by your local customers.
  • You must also consider that there are SEO tools specifically focused on local search that help businesses develop local oriented SEO audits, keyword research focused on your local audience, building citations, managing Google My Business listings, business profile and publishing Google posts, and help to monitor your inclusion in local packs.
  • A significant factor in Google’s standard search algorithm is Website content, on-page-seo, behavioral, links and location-based factors like Google My Business, citations, and review signals are also required.
  • Hiring a local seo services company

What is local Search Engine Optimization?

Local Search SEO is the method of optimizing your website and content for a specific local area. If you have a local business, like a restaurant, agency, you will want your website pages to rank for certain search queries performed by a local audience whom is searching for a local product or service near them on the internet. Find out more about our Local Google SEO services

What is local SEO vs SEO?

What’s the difference? While conventional SEO is specifically focuses on improving your site’s visibility on a national or global scale, local SEO allows you to gain local search territory dominance to connect with searchers in your local area.

How can SEO help your business grow?

SEO acronym stands for Search Engine Optimization. Good SEO optimizes your businesses awareness and visibility online. This means that the more people see your website, the more your online traffic increases, the better your chances to provide your product or service to a greater number of people.

What does SEO do for a company?

An SEO agency provider performs search engine optimization, using up to date on-page and off-page optimization strategies and tactics to increase a web page’s search engine rankings.

What industry uses SEO the most?

Restaurants use SEO the most. Restaurants and cafes benefit largely from the SEO tools.

Online Business: Operating an online business without a proper SEO strategy is basically asking for failure!

Top Industries that use SEO:

  • Real Estate
  • Professional Services
  • Home Repairs and Renovation
  • Medical Practitioners and Services

How do you perform Local Search Engine Optimization?

Stages to Creating Your Local SEO Strategy.
1. Take Stock of Your Services and/or Services.
2. SEO Technical Audit of Your Existing Website.
3. Perform an extensive Competitor Keyword Research.
4. Identify and Determine Your Businesses Geo-Specific Keywords.
5. Perform On-Page SEO according to strategy.
6. Create a custom Localized Landing Pages.
7. Optimize Your businesses Google My Business Listing.
8. Submit Key Business (NAP) Info to Directory Listings.
9. Plan and Establish a Localized Link Building Strategy.
10. Generate Real Positive Customer Reviews.

Why is Local Search Engine Optimization is important?

Search engine optimization is an online strategy that can result in your site being displayed at the top of the search engine results pages. If you want to attract and engage customers in your area, you will definitely need local SEO. This is where you need to optimize your site for local search results.

How does Local Search Engine Optimization work?

Local Search SEO works like “standard” Google search. When someone performs a search, Google scans through its indexed pages and provide the best results for that user’s query. What makes Local Search SEO unique is that Google uses a different algorithm, which has specific ranking factors to rank the local search results.

Who needs Local SEO?

All businesses that has a physical location or non-physical location and serve a geographic area can benefit from local SEO. If you search Google for any important keywords related to your business, a google map appears with 3 listings appears underneath it (also known as a map pack). Local Search Engine Optimization can help you grow your business.

Local SEO Tips:

  • Optimize for Google My Business
  • Create local content.
  • Ensure your website is mobile-friendly.
  • Get inbound links with relevance and authority.
  • Add location pages to your website.
  • Optimize online directories and citations.
  • Perform a local SEO audit.
  • Optimize URL, title tags, headers, meta description, and content.
  • Improve your internal linking structure.
  • Engage on social media and add posts to Google My Business.
  • Ensure your name, address, and phone number are consistent online.
  • Participate in your local community.

How to Conduct Local SEO Keyword Research:

  • Research to Understand Your Target Audience & Their Goals.
  • Find Out Which Keywords Your Target Audience Is Searching For.
  • Determine Search Volume & Keyword Difficulty.
  • Analyze Your Target Keywords’ SERPs

7 Local SEO Ranking Factors 2022

  • Google My Business.
  • Local Content.
  • On-Page Signals.
  • Backlink Profile.
  • Online Reviews.
  • Behavioral Signals.
  • Online Citations.

What are the Benefits of Local Search Engine Optimization?

  • High positions for local queries
  • Appearance in Google’s 3-pack
  • Improved visibility in your niche
  • Improving awareness on mobile devices
  • Increased relevant traffic
  • Trust and authority
  • Strong local community outreach
  • Cheaper ads
  • More effective marketing campaigns
  • Exposure in local listings
  • Fresh local reviews
  • Increased sales revenue
  • Increased Number of Repeat Customers
  • Ability to build a community
  • Being head above the competition
  • Gain loyal customers
  • Niche Authority
  • Link building with other local businesses
  • Boosting your ROI

Is local Search Engine Optimization still relevant?

61% of consumers recently were asked in a recent local search survey and said that they search locally every day. A recent local Search survey found that 82% of consumers read online  business reviews during a local search and spend about 14 minutes doing so before making any decision.

What are the 10 most Powerful SEO Trends That Are Dominating 2022?

This year more businesses recognize the value of organic top positions in search rankings because 93% of online experiences last year began with a search engine query. If you run a business or are trying to promote any type of content, ranking high in the organic search results is vitally essential, and competition for those top is usually fierce if its in a competitive industry.

But you need to know what SEO trends are working to even start to compete! New SEO trend are popping up and others are disappearing. Google’s algorithm always evolves, and whatever trend worked last year might not be working this year. If you’re not staying on top of key website metrics, it’s virtually impossible to figure out what SEO trends are working.

As an SEO agency, we have our finger on the pulse of the 7 major search engines (Google has over 86% of the search market share, YouTube, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft Bing, Baidu, and Yandex). With have access to thousands of SEO data points on any SEO strategy that we implement, we are 100% up to date with the latest and newest SEO trends that continually emerged, SEO trends that continue to succeed, the ones becoming more powerful and any that are no longer used.

The 10 SEO trends that we have seen dominating so far in 2022:

1. Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are made up of three measurements of speed and interaction: LCP (largest contentful paint), FID (first input delay) and CLS (cumulative layout shift). Core Web Vitals are a set of ranking factors that Google uses to see the overall experience of a user on a particular website.

LCP:  refers to the amount of time it takes for the largest content to load on a webpage.
FID:  analyzes how long it takes the website to respond to the user’s first interaction with it.
CLS:  measures how many layout changes the webpage has gone through in its life span.

” Improving your Core Web Vitals will have a significant impact on your search engine results performance.”

2. ‘People Also Ask’

One of the most common searches people use is “people also ask.” Out of 2.5 million search queries, 48.4% of the searches were based on “people also ask.”

3. EAT

When creating online content, you need to follow the “EAT” principle:
Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness.
Google uses EAT to determine if a web page is providing quality content.

Improve your EAT by following a few foundational guidelines:

• Create unique content that people are searching for.

• Cite your sources.

• Include a bio that reflects the author’s expertise.

• Do not use auto-generated content, overwhelming advertisements, paid link campaigns or overtly “salesy” content.

4. High-Quality Backlinks

Building authority with high quality backlinks continues to dominate in 2022, and playing a major role in how fast and far you go up the search results ladder. Quality backlinks over quantity is becoming stronger each year.

5. Video

It’s become critical to have an SEO strategy that includes video. Research tells us that video will constitute 82% of all global IP traffic by the end of 2022.

6. AI Content

A.I. created and optimized content for search engines is an fairly new SEO trend that’s continuing to become stronger. This strategy allow for faster content creation, and it also ensures that the content is highly optimized.

7. Long-Form Content

It’s important to understand that high-quality content ranks higher on most search engines, especially Google.

8. Schema Markup

Schema markup is behind-the-scenes code placed on the website pages to help search engines better understand what those pages are all about. Google uses schema markup to create rich snippets. These snippets offer more information and make your site more attractive to users.

9. Refresh Existing Content

All website owners must review and assess their content and add any additional details, including longer copy, better images, etc.

10. Newer Sites Have A Chance

Newer websites have a chance to rank higher as long as they are creating quality content and their website is high-performing.

Why do small businesses need SEO?

Local SEO Services helps small business owners create fast, robust, and user-friendly sites that rank higher in search engines, which helps bring more qualified potential customers to their websites and eventually increases conversion rates.

Who needs SEO services?

Here are eight main industries that receive the highest ROI by utilizing effective SEO solutions in their marketing strategies.

  • Real Estate.
  • Online Businesses.
  • Home Repairs/Renovations.
  • Medical Practices.
  • Multi-Location.
  • Restaurants.
  • Pet Services.

“Professional Services. Your website is your new front door.”

Is SEO services for local businesses good?

In todays world SEO is important because it helps your business establish yourself as an expert in your field and brings traffic to your website. SEO also helps you to organically promote your business for free.

If you’re someone who is unsure about the importance of SEO, you are not alone. Only 36% of small businesses actually have any type of SEO strategy.

What are 6 reasons why businesses need SEO?

6 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need SEO

  • SEO Boosts User Experience.
  • SEO Builds Brand Credibility.
  • SEO Keeps Small Business Competitive.
  • The business landscape moves incredibly fast.
  • SEO Brings In Organic Traffic.
  • SEO Can Make You A Global Competitor.

Who uses SEO the most?

9 Types of Businesses That Need SEO the Most

  • Medical Professionals: Doctors & Dentists, etc.
  • Niche Companies.
  • Locally Exclusive Companies.
  • Legal Professionals: Law Firms & Lawyers.
  • Maintenance Service Professionals.
  • Restaurants & Bars.
  • SaaS & Online Service Companies.
  • Competing Brands.


These businesses aren’t the only ones that can benefit from a strong SEO campaign strategy, but they do stand to benefit more than other types of businesses.

If you belong to one of these companies and SEO isn’t currently a part of your marketing strategy, you need to seriously reconsider your strategic position, and fast—the longer you invest in SEO for your business, the more of a payout you’ll see from it.

What kind of businesses need SEO?

The kind of companies that need SEO include businesses in professional space, travel, tourism, hospitality, repair service providers, and digital marketing. More than 80% of customers do online research before buying any product or service, that is why its essential for your business to rank higher in search results.

Local Google SEO - How to improve your local ranking on Google?

Local results favor the most relevant results for each search, that is why it’s important for businesses to enter complete data.

Things to do to improve your local ranking on Google:

  • Verify your locations.
  • Keep your hours accurate.
  • Manage & respond to reviews.
  • Add photos.
  • Add in-store products.
  • Relevance.
  • Distance.

Read more: https://support.google.com/business/answer/7091?hl=en

How do you target local keywords?

  • Think about the main business keywords.
    (For most local businesses, the primary keywords to target will be fairly obvious.)
  • Research and Spy on your competitors.
  • Include the service in locations.
    (Make sure to add KEYWORD + LOCATION to your metadata.)
  • Use Google Autocomplete.

Who benefits from Local Search Engine Optimization?

Businesses gain the most benefits! With more visibility, they get found by the right people who are searching because they are interested in your product and / or services at the right time.

” When your business is more visible, this brings more sales, more profits, and even relevance. “

Why is local search seo services for small business needed? --

Most obvious reason why small business need Local Search Engine Optimization:

  • Increases your website’s rankings in the classic search results and in the local map pack.
  • Increases your online visibility, especially to neighboring customers.
  • Receive the highest conversion levels of all local advertising channels.

What are the 4 types of SEO?

  • On-page SEO (on-site SEO)
  • Off-page SEO (off-site SEO)
  • Technical SEO
  • Local Search Engine Optimization

What are 3 main areas of SEO?

  • Technical SEO – Everything technical to help improve Search Rankings and site indexing to help search bot crawling.
  • Off-page SEO – Everything which happens away from your site that helps with your SEO Strategy and Backlinks.
  • On-page SEO – Everything on your web pages – Blogs, product copy, web copy, formatting, site speed, keyword relevance, etc.

What 4 pillars are important in SEO?

The fundamentals and focus on the 4 pillars of SEO are:
  • Authority
  • Relevancy
  • Technology
  • UX

What is a SEO Content Strategy?

SEO Content Strategy

  • Create a list of topics.
  • Create a list of long-tail keywords based on these topics.
  • Create pages for each topic.
  • Set up a blog.
  • Make a consistent blogging schedule.
  • Make a link-building plan.
  • Compress media files before uploading them to your website.
  • Stay up-to-date on latest SEO news and best practices.
  • Analyze, measure and track your content’s success.

How Google My Business helps SEO?

Google My Business impacts SEO by increasing Click through rate (CTR), displaying direct links to your individual products and services, and it also shows the last ten posts you’ve made.

There are many places to promote your business online, from your own website, social media channels, influencers and directory listings.

What is About or Mention Schema?

About or Mention Schema
While About Schema refers to the page’s actual topic, Mentions Schema is used to mark up links to related topics that is available on your page (these links need not necessarily refer to the page’s actual topic).

About Schema Property
A schema in psychology and other social sciences describes a mental concept. It provides information to an individual about what to expect from diverse experiences and circumstances. These schemas are developed and based on life experiences and provide a guide to one’s cognitive processes and behavior.

What People are Saying

“These guys are amazing”
“They’ve helped us to grow our business and now the biggest problem we seem to come across is having too much business – which is the ideal problem to have. We are right where we wanted to be and SeoDepot.ca made that possible. Thanks guys!”

“Unrivaled customer support”
“Working with the SeoDepot.ca’s team has been a pleasant experience! Their dedication and passion, there customer support and attentiveness to the specific needs of our business is second to none. We look forward to a long-lasting and prosperous business relationship!”

“They do everything they say!”
“SeoDepot.ca is a much-needed blessing and exceeded our expectations in every way. They are honest, straightforward, they take care of ALL your needs quickly, they are reliable, you can count on them and most of all, they do everything they say they will do”


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us for your Local SEO Services!