Your #1 Google My Business Services Pro

Google My Business Services provided by offers Google My Business Pro Services.

We help local businesses rank higher, increase traffic, sales & profit.


Google My Business Pro Services

Our Google My Business Services setup services are truly the best around. You most probably already know the importance of Google My Business (GMB) for all local businesses. But if you do not, then when you have the chance please take a moment and look at this webpage on why every company needs to use Google My Business.

Google My Business management services is crucial for many different factors. First, it’s compared to the old school Yellow Pages of our current world. Second, hiring an expert to optimize your businesses GMB listing will increase your companies rankings and visibility. For these reasons alone, it’s very important that your business be listed on Google My Business Maps. If it is not, you will literally never be found by potential customers.

Affordable GMB Services

We are moving from A to B, not from A to Z. Which means we focus and provide affordable GMB solutions!

Understanding GMB Services

You will work with professional certified SEO Digital Marketing experts that will help you understand what it takes to rank higher.

GMB Services = Rankings

Creating an SEO strategy is only the start. We know the rules of the games and improve your local, national or global ranking on Google.

Let Us Set Up Your Google My Business Listing!

google my business services goals
professional google my business services


In today’s digital world, investing in Google My Business Services is by far the most crucial factor for your company’s success. GMB has all of your company’s information. Google My Business is often the first thing people see when they look up your business.

Your Google My Business Services listing includes:

  • Important business information
  • NAP (Name, Address Phone)
  • Your logo and company images & Videos
  • Business description
  • Services and products
  • Areas serviced
  • SEO optimized business listing
  • Reviews

Google My Business Setup And Optimization Services

Keep reading to learn more about Google My Business setup and optimization services Seo Depot Solutions provides. We can set up your listing and leave it at that with our basic package. Or you can choose our standard or premium packages to get listed and noticed.

More About Google My Business Setup Services
Google My Business

Basic Google My Business Services setup includes:

  • easy setup of listing
  • listing verification
  • images upload
  • content upload


With the basic setup package, you will get a complete GMB listing that is correctly set up with all the information that you provide to us.

Basic Setup Includes:

your business name, address and phone number (NAP )
description that you provide
product and service information
uploaded photos and logo
correctly displayed business hours
website information
business email
setup and verification

Local SEO by SEO - Search Engine Optimization

Standard Google My Business Services setup includes:

Everything in basic package plus standard optimizations including added content, images and GMB posts”



Standard listing setup on Google is a more professional option for business who want to look great online but also need to stay within a budget. This is a great option for startups and small companies that are looking for more exposure and a fully optimized listing.

Standard Setup Includes:
  • your business name, address and phone number
  • SEO optimized business description
  • optimized product and service information written by professional SEO content writers
  • uploaded and optimized photos and logo
  • custom graphics and images for products and services
  • correctly displayed business hours
  • website information
  • business email
  • setup and verification
Local SEO - Google My Business Certification

Premium Google My Business Services setup includes:

Everything in basic and premium packages with a professional level of optimizations fit for a company that is serious about ranking!



Premium setup is the highest level GMB set up and optimization package. This is the recommended package if you are a business looking to put your business on the map. Google favors businesses that are optimized correctly and this is exactly what we will do with the platinum set up package.

Premium Setup Includes:

  • your business name, address and phone number
  • SEO optimized business description
  • optimized product and service information written by professional SEO content writers
  • uploaded and optimized photos and logo
  • free logo design with package
  • custom graphics and images for products and services
  • correctly displayed business hours
  • website information
  • business email
  • setup and verification
  • GMB posting for up to 1 year
  • Review generation, optimization and management
  • Google My Business Set Up For All!

Why Setting Up Google My Business Listing is Important?

Local SEO

Why Set Up a Google My Business Listing

Along with Google Ads, Local SEO, Google SEO, and Voice SEO, every single business owner requires and deserves a GMB listing. It’s as simple as that! With all of the benefits your business will reap, most would consider it crazy to NOT setup and optimize a Google My Business listing. Lets be brutally honest. GMB is both free and practical for gaining more online exposure which turns into more traffic, sales and revenue.

Now, before you go ahead and hire a Google My Business company such as ours, we want you to know all the details and facts.

Below is a link to some great articles to read before setting up your GMB listing or hiring someone to do so:

Some of our customers have specific and unique set of circumstances but we here at SEO Depot Solutions can complete any type of Google My Business listing requirements!

According to your individual situation or circumstance, we can set up and optimize your Google My Business listing. For instances, there are many businesses that don’t actually have a corporate office. But we have ways to list that special service area business too!

Is it Mandatory To Have An Office Or Corporate Location ?
Google doesn’t actually require an office or corporate location of your company’s business to have a Google My Business listing. We also offer all businesses with unique circumstances the option to secure a custom GMB listing1.

Keep reading to find out more about setting up and managing a listing and also by reaching out to the SEO Depot Solutions team! We are always here to help, so please feel free to contact us for all of your Google My Business questions!

Contact Us Today to learn more about our GMB Setup Services.

SEO Depot Solutions located in Quebec, Canada can get your business on the map! Whether you are a local business or operating elsewhere, we handle all types of Google business listings. We look forward to hearing from you to set up your GMB listing!

‘People Also Ask’

What is Google My Business management service?

The Google My Business Management Service allows you to work with an GMB expert that can handle all the small tedious details (and sometimes big headaches) that come with managing a GMB listing. With this service, your listing will initially be optimized for your locally targeted search keywords and phrases.

Is Google manage my business Free?

Yes! It’s free to create your Business Listing Profile on Google. Create your profile at no cost, and you can manage your business from Google  Search Page and Maps and start reaching more customers.

How much does GMB management cost?

Introducing the fastest way to get more business from Google every month. Only $295 per month.

Are you looking and want to maximize the results you get from Google My Business without having to spend a ton of time learning and working on how to best promote it every month? Google My Business Management Service is the perfect fit if you don’t have the time or want to deal with the hassle of making sure you’re doing everything possible to dominate Google each month. With the GMB Seo Depot Solutions Google My Business Management Service, you’ll have experts doing the hard work for you!

How do I stop Google business management?

If you no longer want to manage a business, you can remove it from the Google Account you use to manage your Business Profile.

How to Remove an individual Business Profile:

  • Go to your Business Profile.
  • Select three-dot menu.
  • Select Remove Business Profile.
  • Then, select Continue Remove.

What happens if I delete my Google business account?

If you went ahead and deleted your Google my business account, your business listing will be removed and not be displaying on Google Maps and organic Google search results. Your customers will no longer be able to find your business profile online, and you will lose any photos, messages, and reviews associated with your GMB listing.

How much does it cost to put your business on Google Maps?

Answer : FREE.

Anyone can add a place to Google Maps at no cost. However, not just anyone can add and edit details such as business categories, business hours, and offerings . To manage and gain control over that listing, you need to claim your business. You can do this through a Google My Business account, which is also free.

How much does it cost to set up Google my business?

The Cost to setup a Business Profile on Google : FREE

Yes, it’s totally free to create your Business Profile on Google. Create your profile and you can start managing your business from Google Search and Maps and start reaching more customers.

How much does it cost to post a business on Google?

The cost to post a business on Google: free
Google My Business is a free powerful advertising tool with the potential to funnel customers to your site and store location from both Google Search and Google Maps. You can add posts on Google My Business are no cost–it’s completely free!

Does Google My Business Help SEO?

Does Google My Business Help SEO : YES

Your Google My Business listing appears to people searching where and how to visit your business. A Google Business Profile also improves your local SEO. For example, when people search for a nearby business using Google Maps, a GMB listing for a local business is more likely to appear.

How do I get my business on Google for free?

You can add your business in the following way:

  1. On your computer, sign in to Google Maps
  2. Add your business through Google Maps
  3. Enter your address in the search bar. On the left, in the Business Profile, click Add your business.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish signing up for your Business Profile.

How do I access my Google My Business account?

How do I access my Google My Business account :

  • You can access your Business Profile data through the Google Maps mobile app and Google Search.
  • Download the Google Maps app on your mobile devices.
  • Use the same Google Account you use to sign into your Business Profile.
  • To access your Business Profile, in Google Maps app , tap your profile photo or initial.

How do I know if my Google business is verified?

How to check if your Google business listing is verified?

Steps to check if Google My Business is verified using Google’s verification checker tool.

  1. Visit the GMB verification Status Checker page.
  2. Confirm your email.
  3. Select your account from the list.
  4. Confirm the status of your account.
  5. Join the GMB support community.

How do I claim my business on Google?

You can Claim your business through Google Maps

Steps to claim your GMB listing:

  • On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app.
  • In the search bar, enter the business name and choose the correct one.
  • In the Business Profile, tap Claim this business. I own or manage this business.
  • Select a verification option, and follow the on-screen steps.

What happens if someone claims your business on Google?

For some business owners they find that there business profile has been claimed by someone else. You will need to contact the person who has claimed your business. If you’re unable to contact the person who claimed your listing, or guess the email address used to claim the business, Google will attempt to request ownership on your behalf. Fill out the provided Google form, and wait at least one week for the current listing owner to respond.

How do I promote and improve my business on Google?

How to improve your local ranking on Google

  • Enter your complete business details. (Local results favor the most relevant results for each search)
  • Verify your business locations.
  • Keep your business hours accurate.
  • Always manage & respond to reviews.
  • Add photos / videos.
  • Add in-store products, services and promos.
  • Keep relevant.
  • Location distance.

How can I get leads on Google My Business?

You will need to optimize Google My Business for lead generation

  • Consistent and accurate NAP.
  • Choose the right business category.
  • Upload photos / videos to your GMB profile.
  • Establish a steady stream of fresh customer reviews.

How do I get more customers on Google My Business?

7 Ways To Bring More Customers With a Google My Business Listing

  • Become more visible online, by ranking higher in search results.
  • Increase credibility and trust with customers.
  • Display customer reviews.
  • You must improve discoverability/visibility.
  • Keep customers informed easily and quickly.
  • Get discoverable on local searches.

How do I get to the top of Google without paying?

How to get to the top of Google without paying:

  • Perform Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Research and low competition keywords.
  • Add Quality content.
  • Create Relevant backlinks.
  • Cover a wide area content promotion.
  • Perform Extensive research.
  • Obtain Knowledge of algorithms.
  • Stay up to date with the latest SEO trends

How long do GMB posts last?

Previously, how long did GMB posts last: 7 days

Do Google my business posts expire? : Currently Google posts no longer expire after 7 days.

This means that your GMB posts from weeks, months or even years ago will remain in your Knowledge Panel as default posts. At GMB Services, we know how important this Google update is to local SEO.

How often should I post on Google my business?

How often should I post on Google My Business?

At a minimum, you should be posting on Google My Business once every 7 days.

Many businesses post once per day, and have seen excellent results and improved google rankings. Google always looks favorably on businesses that use Google products frequently.

Is GMB Services worth it for small business?

The short answer : YES

Google My Business Services is very effective. No only to generate traffic but also leads and sales. Google My Business Services includes research, data analysis, optimizing you Google My Business Listings, citations, posts, images, etc. Agencies providing GMB Services, optimize GMB listing and search-specific metrics like SERPs (search engine results page), rankings, and organic traffic.

What is the best SEO for a small business? has an excellent reputation for creating and implementing effective Google My Business SEO strategies for all types of businesses.

How can I SEO my business?

Here are 10 SEO tips for small businesses :

  • Find the most relevant keywords for your business.
  • Focus on your unique services, products and offerings.
  • Don’t fill up your site with keywords.
  • Build high authority backlinks to your site.
  • Publish a lot of high-quality content.
  • Get on social networks.
  • Verify and make sure your website is user-friendly.
  • Analyze and measure results.

What is my Google business profile ID?

Your GMB ID is an identifier that Google uses to store your business’s information and data on there database.

What are the benefits of Google My Business?

The Main Benefits of Google My Business : 

  • It’s Free to Use.
  • GMB Allows You to Appear in Maps and Google Local Pack Listings.
  • It’s Highly Visible and Google is the most used search engine.
  • GMB Allows People to Leave Reviews of Your Business.
  • GMB Gives You Helpful Information by Providing Insights to Analyze.

Do you need a Gmail account for Google My Business?

Do you need a Gmail account for Google My Business? : YES

Businesses can get there business listed on Google My Business for free. In order to sign-up for the service, you will need s Google account. If you use Gmail for business, you can also convert your inbox into a help desk.

Can I write fake Google reviews?

Anyone can write a fake review that will go public upon submission. Businesses can’t just take the review down. They will need to go through Google’s review process to appeal the fake review.

Google will penalize anyone with an excess of reviews that you are flagging and they turn out to be legitimate. If one of your competitors is behind the fake negative reviews, the obvious mature and professional first step is to contact them and request that they stop the activity and remove the fake reviews. If they refuse or deny any wrong doing then you will need to speak with Google rep or hire a online reputation consultant to rectify the issue.

How long does it take for my business to show up on Google?

Timeframe To See My Business Listing On Google Once Verified? : 1 -2 weeks

Once you create or claimed your “Google My Business” listing, it may take between 1 or 2 weeks for the business listing to appear on Google Maps and in Google Search.

Are Google My Business posts free?

Short Answer: YES

Should I post on Google My Business?

Answer: YES

When you post new content directly through your GMB listing, it means you are sharing relevant content and information about your local business, which in turn contributes to building your location authority. By posting this tells Google that your business is legit. The more times you legitimize your business to Google, the higher search ranking you will achieve.