Voice SEO

#1 Best Voice SEO for Voice Search SEO Optimization 🚀 SeoDepot.ca

SEO for voice search SEO strategy. Voice search engine optimization is a huge trend and the future of search. Get your business found with our Voice SEO services.

The Future of Voice Search Technology

How important is Voice SEO search engine optimization?
58% of consumers search by voice for finding contact details among other info for local businesses within the last year. In the US, 71% of individuals between 18-29 age group use mobile virtual assistants. Voice search and SEO not only makes it easy for Google to find answers on webpages for user’s queries but increases the probability for your site to rank on featured snippets too, because of the schema markup and structured data, thus driving increased traffic.

The six largest tech companies in the world are investing heavily in voice technology and currently racing to win the next major operating system.

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Our Voice SEO Services

Voice SEO Services


We provide voice search SEO services with the best tools for all voice search assistants. Voice search is highly-competitive so give your business a competitive advantage by optimizing your site using our voice search services.

google assistant seo


In the coming years search engines people using voice search through spoken words would be the norm. All businesses need competitive Google assistant SEO services from a reliable Voice SEO search agency.

siri seo


We offer proven Siri SEO services focusing on preparing your business for the future of voice search, and implement Voice Search as more tasks including search engine use are completed through spoken words.

Alexa SEO


Prepare your business for the future of search. As more people switch to voice search over typing, it’s vital to implement Voice Search SEO into your site. We offer affordable Alexa SEO services with our Voice search services!

What is Voice Search & Why is Voice SEO important?

What are the benefits of voice search?

Using Voice Search for E-Commerce is simply faster!
Voice Search is used to build Brand Awareness.
Helps those who have problems with sight.
Speech is much faster and easier than typing.

History of Voice Recognition and the Evolution of Voice Search

Voice SEO - speech recognition
Voice SEO Bell-laboratories-Audrey-machine-700
google voice seo
cortana voice seo and alexa voice seo

Regardless of how advanced computers and software get, our voices will always be the best communication tool that we have. Remember we are born with the instinctive ability to communicate and, for most of us, talking fast becomes easier than thinking.For those reasons the race to develop computers and AI systems capable of characterizing our voices has dominated the focus of large technology companies over the last decade.But, the aim to build machines that can listen as well as humans can has been in development for far longer than that.

Bell Labs invented “Audrey”


Back in 1952 Bell Laboratories developed the first computer capable to recognize speech. The machine was nicknamed AUDREY, was breakthrough – even though it could only interpret single digit numbers spoken by one individual. Audrey could recognize spoken numbers from 1 to 9. Ten years later, IBM released ‘Shoebox’ which had the ability to recognize simple calculations and input them into a calculator.

Apple released “Siri”

Voice recognition technology today only really started to gain interest amongst consumers 60 years later when on 4 October, 2011. Siri was released as an app for iOS in February 2010. Two months later, Apple acquired it and integrated into iPhone 4S at its release on 4 October, 2011, removing the separate app from the iOS App Store.

As it seems normal by today’s standards, the public and press alike were blown over by Siri’s ability to perform small tasks, answer basic questions, and respond in a natural, conversational manner. This was the first time, people felt comfortable talking to an AI machine.

Google released “Google Now” and then debuted “Google Assistant”

The competition wasn’t going to stand still and let Apple reap all the glory. Google then entered the voice search domain by releasing Google Now in Android 4.1 (“Jelly Bean”), which launched on July 9, 2012, and the Galaxy Nexus smartphone was first to support it.

Google Assistant debuted in May 2016 as part of Google’s messaging app Allo, and its voice-activated speaker Google Home. After a period of exclusivity on the Pixel and Pixel XL smartphones, it was deployed on other Android devices starting in February 2017, including third-party smartphones and Android Wear (now Wear OS), and was released as a standalone app on the iOS operating system in May 2017.

Google Assistant has been further extended to support a large variety of devices, including cars and third-party smart home appliances.

“Cortana”, and “Alexa” followed

Microsoft and Amazon soon after jumped on the bandwagon, debuting Microsoft Cortana and Amazon Alexa in 2013 and 2014 respectively.

voice seo is the future of search.

What is Voice SEO and SEO Optimization in 2023

SEO for Voice Search

Voice SEO is the optimization of keywords and keyword phrases for searches using voice assistants. According to some SEO experts, voice Search SEO is required for websites to effectively show up in results for searches conducted through voice assistants.

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Voice Search SEO – The Future of Voice Search

In 2022, expect voice search to level up yet again. Smart speakers are predicted to pop up in 55 percent of U.S. homes, and already, 65 percent of 25-to-49-year-olds talk to a voice-enabled device daily. Article continues after video. Voice search will change the way your brand does SEO.

Voice search SEO is HUGE right now and it’s only getting bigger.

 27% of the global online population uses voice search on their mobile devices
(According to data from Think with Google, more than a quarter of the online population of the world is now using voice search on mobile.)

56% of adults (and 55% of teens) use voice search daily (Google). 

Why Voice Search SEO?

Because 40% of the adults now use mobile voice search at least once daily. Voice search is different from conventional typing searches. Website content needs to be optimized to give people direct answers to voice search questions. Therefore this is the right time to upgrade your old strategy in to the new Voice Search SEO and get your place first!

Why SeoDepot.ca for Voice Search SEO?

We are Google certified specialists and business growth specialist. We are always up to dated with the latest Google algorithm mechanism and winning strategies. Our Voice Search SEO Services Will Help You Rank High.

We always go the extra mile for our clients. We are committed to growing your business for the long term, therefore we strive to continuously stay up to date with the latest marketing trends and create innovative strategies that bring amazing results.

It’s Time to stand out among the crowd!

Things we will do for you:
  1. Unbeatable voice search and optimization
  2. Google, Alexa and Siri supported
  3. Keyword consultant and research
  4. Keyword research based on Google V.S. algorithm
  5. Long tail keywords research and implementation
  6. Setting up webmaster tools
  7. Website free audit report
  8. Google privacy check up
  9. Content revision
  10. Sitemap and Google search console


Platforms Supported:
  • WordPress / woocommerce
  • Shopify
  • Wix
  • Squarespace
SEO Strategy for Voice Search
  • 6 Strategies for Voice Search Engine Optimization Success
    • Understand Your Type of Customer & Device Behavior.
    • Focus on Conversational Keywords.
    • Create Compelling Persona-Based Content.
    • Provide Context with Schema Markup.
    • Build Pages That Answer FAQs.
    • Think Mobile & Think Local.